
>> Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I know it’s been ages since I posted, and I thank those of you who are faithful in sticking around to see what I have new going on. It isn’t that I have stopped taking pictures, so much as it is that I just simply have not had time to do it as much as I would like. The husband is back home from California and we are preparing to make the big move to Kodiak, AK in less than a week.

Over Christmas I did have the chance to snap a few non-professional photos of the husband’s stepbrother’s baby boy-Ethan. I’m planning an actual session with them for his three month portraits in the coming week, but for now, here are just a few of the snapshots of him I captured Christmas Eve:

Hope everyone had a great Christmas! Watch for more new photos…hopefully coming SOON!


No Words…

>> Thursday, December 2, 2010

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Marchman Christmas Photos

>> Wednesday, December 1, 2010

This past weekend I had the chance to photograph my little guy and my brother-in-law for my Mother-in-laws Christmas photos. It wasn’t too chilly and the wind stayed calm enough that we were able to snag quite a few cute photos for her to use. Unfortunately, I already ordered and had my cards delivered, so I won’t be using any of these for the holidays, but they will certainly be going up in our new house! Here is a little preview from the “session.”

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Hope you guys had a GREAT Thanksgiving and are gearing up for the holidays! Christmas is right around the corner!


About This Blog

I'm a SAHM learning my way around my SLR and striving to open a professional photography business. I spend most of my time in my Manual and reading tutorials online. This blog is my way of documenting the things that I learn and the sessions that I photograph along the way.

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