Before and After

>> Thursday, August 12, 2010


Don’t know how I’ve done it. But I have successfully managed to get three photo challenges for this week done and scheduled. It’s currently a Sunday afternoon and I’m about to hit submit on this challenge for Thursday. I love productivity.  :) Anywho. As you’re reading this it is in fact Thursday which means it’s “Before and After” time with Monica! I had a hard time picking out just one photo this week that I wanted to use, but hopefully this is one you guys will love. I am a vintage/texture junkie and this photo was so much fun to play around with. I think I did 4 or 5 different edits of different styles before I ever decided which one I loved the best.


Vintage 029

Vintage 029 

I keep meaning to write down what all I do on these, but I never remember. I lightened it up, used the “Vintage” action from Pioneer Woman, then used her “Seventies” action on top of it. I played around with the contrast and the brightness, upped the black and red tones, adjusted the saturation, and then added two layers.  :) This photo will be hanging in my kitchen once we get moved. Hope you all have a blessed Thursday and don’t forget to head over to Monica’s for more Before and After editing!

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I'm a SAHM learning my way around my SLR and striving to open a professional photography business. I spend most of my time in my Manual and reading tutorials online. This blog is my way of documenting the things that I learn and the sessions that I photograph along the way.

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